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Astrological Psychology Analysis

by Marilyn Burnett Dip. APA., MAPAI.

Personally Written Birth Chart Interpretations 

What will your analysis contain?

Jane Doe - Analysis.jpg

    A personally written astrological psychology birth chart analysis (not computer generated) will reveal your psychological make-up. It will pinpoint the tensions and crises you may have experienced in your life, where these have stemmed from and, more importantly your potential for both psychological and spiritual growth. It will also show the psychological stage you've reached at this point in time and the direction you're currently heading in.

An Intuitive Image of your Psyche

    Initially, before using astrology to interpret your chart, we use intuition to gain an image of your inner psyche. For this, we use just the pattern formed by the aspect lines around the circle in the centre. This alone can convey a great deal about your psychological make-up. For instance, to me, the pattern in the chart shown to the right conjured up the image of child having great fun spraying people with a garden hose. It turned out to be the chart of a comedian who constantly showers others with his jokes! Why this was large part of his psychological make-up, and the implications it had in his life, were made clear in the later analysis.

Your Unconscious Motivations

    The distinctive graphics and colour balance of your Huber Style birth chart and the unique pattern they make are like a portrait of your whole, individual personality. They show the type of energies that influence you, in what direction they're flowing and the meaning this has in your life.

    Besides showing your overall psychological make-up, they can reveal hidden motivations that, although unconscious, drive you from within. For example, they can show whether you're more inclined towards forming relationships or towards achieving independence and individuality. And if there’s a contradiction, as there is in the chart to the left, then it will cause problems in relating. This chart to the left shows aspect lines with a distinctly horizontal concentration, between ‘Me’ and ‘You’ (relationships), but there are also some lines leading upwards towards the top, which shows a conflicting desire for individuality. It's hard to concentrate fully on maintaining good relationships when you also want some independence. 

Your Psychological Conflicts, Natural abilities, Strengths and Weaknesses

    The Huber Method's unique Energy Curve* (the wave-like pattern around the chart) can help to pinpoint whether your natural, inherent qualities clash with conditioning you received as a child; if so, then it may have resulted in conflicts that could now be causing psychological disturbances. Behaviour patterns learnt in childhood can hinder us from being our natural selves and cause difficulties in personal and business relationships or in achieving our goals.

    Fundamentally, with the aid of the Energy Curve, we can diagnose your Mental, Physical and Emotional strengths and weaknesses. Once you become aware of these, you’ll be able to start working from your strengths; then almost magically, as you realise you're good at something, your weaknesses will gradually begin to disappear!

    The chart section depicted here shows the Sun at the lowest dip in the Energy Curve and, as the Sun represents our mind and what we have a mind to do, this person’s mind was ‘hidden’ from the world in the dip. It indicates someone who was not given adequate direction as a child on how set his mind on goals nor how achieve them. Of course, it's much more complicated than this, but this will give you some idea of what we look for.

    Your analysis will also include some suggestions on how each of these Mental, Physical and Emotional elements of your psyche might be strengthened and used to best effect.

Where you are psychologically right now

    By using the Huber ‘Life-Clock’ method*, I will be able to bring to your awareness the psychological stage you're experiencing right now and, although we never predict the future, some idea of the direction you’re moving towards.

    Included in the interpretation will be the result of the Huber Method's Dynamic Calculations* which sum up the overall degree of conditioning you received during your formative years and what this means for you psychologically.

A Spiritual dimension:

    Eventually, however successful our lives may be, a time arrives when many people experience a lack, or dissatisfaction with the substance of their lives. If and when that happens to you, and perhaps it's happening right now, it could be because you're beginning to search for a spiritual dimension in your life. Your birth chart analysis can help here too, as it provides a pointer towards making this development possible.

Please note: the current waiting time for orders is 4 weeks

To order your chart interpretation please follow this Two-Step procedure: 

              1. Fill in the Order Form below and press 'Send'

              2. Make your Payment by clicking the​Add​ to Basket’ button below and following instructions.

  Step 1. Chart Interpretation Order Form:

Data Privacy:

By filling in this form you are agreeing to the requested data being used by Marilyn Burnett for the purpose of creating an astrological Birth Chart and analysis, to contact you and to answer any subsequent queries you may have. The data will only be used for this purpose and will not be passed to any third party unless you specifically request me to do so. You are also agreeing to the information being held by me unless and until you advise me that you no longer want it to be held.

First Name


Date of Birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)

*Time of Birth: (please state AM or PM)

Town of Birth:

If a very small town, please give nearest large town:

County or State of Birth:

Country of Birth:

Email address:

Please repeat Email address:

Please add any additional information if necessary:

Thank you. Now... please select ‘Send’ to submit these birth details

  Step 2. Make your Payment by clicking the 'Add to Cart’ button below and following instructions.

*An accurate birth time is essential for a Huber style chart analysis.

    Your 60-70 page analysis will be personally written (not computer generated), so please allow at least four weeks for delivery. An estimated date for delivery of your order will be advised in a confirmation email.  The analysis will be emailed to you in printable pdf format.  

    This written chart analysis, unlike a brief consultation, offers the benefit of being able to digest the material slowly and absorb its meaning thoroughly. It will also be permanently available to refer to frequently. 

APA Code of Practice

    I abide by the Astrological Psychology Association's code of practice. To view this please refer to their website at

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